Pursuant to the Board of Education Policy, the following regulation establishes the criteria for student participation in extra curricular activities.
- Attendance
- In order to maintain eligibility within a marking period/progress report, a student must maintain a minimum of 90% school attendance in the marking period/progress report used for eligibility evaluation. The 90% attendance requirement is not cumulative.
- A student-athlete who is tardy three (3) times to school will be informed by Administration that he/she may not participate in extra-curricular activities and may lead to further consequences.
- A student-athlete must be present in school and must attend a minimum of four (4) scheduled classes in order to participate in any tryout, practice, scrimmage, or contest on that day.
- Academic Eligibility
- The 5+1 rule – In order to gain and/or maintain eligibility, a student-athlete must pass five credit bearing courses (not 5 credits) + physical education, if taken, in the most recent final marking period (January or June. In addition, a student-athlete must pass five credit bearing courses + physical education in the marking period closest to December 1st and/or April 15th to continue his/her eligibility.
- A senior programmed for 3 or more classes who fails one class in his/her senior year, will be eligible as long as the failed class is not required for graduation.
- The date report cards/progress reports are issued is the official date for determining eligibility.
- At least three of the five subjects passed must be core subjects – English, Mathematics, Social Studies, and/or Science.
- An ineligible student-athlete may practice with a team provided he/she has an updated medical form on file.
- A student-athlete must obtain a minimum GPA (grade point average) of 65 on the report card/progress report used for evaluating eligibility.
- Citizenship
- Suspended student-athletes are not eligible to participate in any tryout, practice, scrimmage, or contest during a suspension.
- Activity Review Committee
- The Activity Review Committee is empowered to act on questions regarding eligibility. The Committee is comprised of the following: 1) Building Administrator, 2) Athletic Director, 3) Psychologist, 4) Guidance Counselor, 5) Representative of Building Committee, 6) Teacher/coach.
- Student Activity Participant List
- It is the responsibility of the activity moderator to maintain an up-to-date list of all students involved in the given activity. Further, the moderator must purge the activity of all ineligible participants as pertinent information becomes available. The moderator will participate in cases brought to the attention of the Activity Review Committee as described above
- Extra-curricular activities, for the purpose of this policy, are defined as any school-sponsored, approved activity, excluding Prom. It is an activity note required for graduation, or school credit. These activities may or may not be held during or after school hours. They would include: 1) all intra, extra and inter-scholastic sports, 2) clubs and service organizations, 3) all performance events whose preparatory activities are performed mainly after school hours.