English 11 Regents

Credits 1.0
All students are required to take a full year course, which is an in-depth study of major writers and their works. In addition, these students receive extensive preparation for the Common Core English exams, which are administered in January and at the end of the year. Honors and Regents students concentrate on American writings and American contributions to world literature. Background on the history of the language and concepts of language in general are presented. From this year’s work, students are encouraged to develop a deeper appreciation and dedication to the American heritage of liberty, and desire to work actively to preserve the American way of life, and to help solve some of the problems of democracy. Emphasis is placed on those language skills, which play an important role in equipping a citizen for intelligent and responsible participation in democratic living. NOTE: Academic Intervention Services (AIS) will be provided for Regents- Assisted students as a Lab. It will meet every other day.