General Information

1. Student Promotion Policy

The procedure for determining the grade of a student has changed from being credit based to cohort based. Student’s grade at the High School will be determined by the year in which they enter grade 9. All students who enter grade 9 this fall, September of 2023 will be considered Grade 9. These will be the only grade 9 students.  Although Cohort year will be used to determine a student’s grade level, the following credit levels should help you determine where your child is in terms of graduation. 

  • 0 – 5.5 credits: (9th grade level)
  • 5.5 – 11 credits: (10th grade level)
  • 11 – 16.5 credits: (11th grade level)
  • 16.5 +: (12th grade level)

2. Early Dismissal or Late Arrival

Seniors in good standing may apply for late arrival or early dismissal.  This request is to be presented to the guidance counselor who will determine if the student’s academic status and classroom schedule allows for an abbreviated schedule.  This determination will be forwarded to the Building Principal for approval. Upon approval students will be held to that time and may not be on the campus other than during the time they are scheduled for classes.  These students must provide their own transportation and neither lack of transportation nor inclement weather will be accepted as an excuse for a student being on campus during release time.  This privilege is not in effect until after the student has followed the above procedures and has received the card described from the guidance counselor.  This card must be always carried by the student and produced upon the request of school personnel.  Students in violation of the above policy and procedures or who leave the building without permission will forfeit the right to this privilege and will be subject to disciplinary action which will include, but not be limited to, a warning on the first infraction, a letter to the parent after a second infraction and for subsequent incidents, suspension, or removal of this privilege.

3. Schedule Change Procedures

As the academic year progresses, it may be necessary for a student to adjust his/her program due to changes in career goals, the addition of part-time employment, or failure in courses which are beyond the student’s abilities.  We in guidance encourage all students to continue in their chosen classes.  We are aware that in the above cases changes may be needed.  To assure an orderly procedure, it is necessary that the student adhere to these steps.  

Step 1.  The student is to confer with the guidance counselor to determine if a change is warranted.  The counselor is to institute a conference with the parent and teacher if warranted.

Step 2. If a change is to be implemented, students will be given an application for a change with parental signature required.  A faculty evaluation form is given to the teacher involved in the change as well as the department head.

Step 3.  All forms are to be completed by the counselor and presented to the building principal for approval.

Step 4.  If approved, the student will be given the change in schedule form by the counselor.  The student must sign into the new class and out of the old class and return the form to the counselor.

NOTE:  Please be advised that until all these above steps have been completed, you are required to attend the original class and to continue to do all the required work.  Failure to attend class or do all the required work will result in disapproval of the request to transfer.