Advanced Regents Diploma

Advanced Regents Diploma Requirements

Course Credits Regents Exams
English 4 English Regents
Social Studies  4 Algebra 1 Regents
Math 3 Geometry Regents
Science 3 Algebra 2/Trigonometry Regents
Foreign Language (L.O.T.E.) 3 Global History
Music/Visual Arts 1 US History Regents
Health .5 Living Environment Regents 
Physical Education 2 Physical Science Regents
Electives 1.5 Checkpoint B
Credit Total: 22 Total Exams Required: 8

*Students may substitute a 5-year Music/Art sequence for 2 of the Foreign Language (LOTE) credit requirements.  In addition to the successful completion of one unit of study in LOTE, a student may complete a five-credit sequence in Career and Technical education or a five-credit sequence in the Arts (dance, music, theatre, visual arts). Please see your counselor for details. 

To earn a Regents diploma with an advanced designation a student must complete, in addition to the requirements for a Regents diploma:

Two additional units in a language other than English (LOTE) for a total of three units and the Regents comprehensive assessment in that language.  A student identified as having a disability which adversely affects the ability to learn a language may be excused from the language other than English requirement set forth in this subparagraph if such student's individualized education program indicates that such requirement is not appropriate to the student's special educational needs. Such a student need not have a sequence in a language other than English but must meet the requirements for the total number of credits required for a diploma.  Students completing a five-unit sequence in career and technical education, or the arts (visual arts, music, dance, and theatre) are not required to complete the additional two units of the language other than English requirement for the Regents diploma with advanced designation but must still meet the requirements for the total number of units of credit.

Three-Unit Sequence in Fine Arts

To fulfill the requirements for a three-unit sequence in fine arts for Regents Diploma credit, a student must successfully complete the following:

1 unit of credit in Studio in Art:  A Comprehensive Foundation Course; 
1 unit of credit in Musical Knowledge;       
1 unit of credit in dance, humanities, media arts, music, theatre or visual arts. 

Five-Unit Sequence in Fine Arts

To fulfill the requirements for a five-unit sequence in fine arts for Regents Diploma credit, a student must successfully complete the following:

1 unit of credit in Studio in Art:  A Comprehensive Foundation Course; 
1 unit of credit in Musical Knowledge or Attitude Development; 
3 units of credit in dance, humanities, media arts, music, theatre, or visual arts. 

Three-Unit and Five-Unit Fine Arts Sequences in Theatre or Dance

To receive Regents Diploma credit for each of these sequences, each course must address the Commencement General Education Level performance indicators in the Learning Standards for the Arts and be submitted to the Department for approval as a Regents level course. It is recommended that the students pass a locally prepared comprehensive examination designed to cover the concepts presented in the specific courses taken to fulfill the fine arts sequence.

Three and Five-Unit Sequence in Visual Arts Education 

  • Three-Unit Sequence in Comprehensive Visual Arts. To receive Regents credit for this sequence, students must pass the foundation course Studio in Art: A Comprehensive Foundation Course and earn at least two additional units of credit in advanced art selected from the Visual Arts Education flow chart.  One of these units may be earned in Design and Drawing for Production: Syllabus.
  • Three-Unit Sequence in Art History and Appreciation. To receive Regents credit for this sequence, students must successfully complete a state-approved locally developed course in Art History and Appreciation, and earn two additional units of credit in advanced art history courses selected from the Visual Arts Education flow chart.
  • Three-Unit Sequence in Design and Drawing for Production:  Syllabus.  To receive Regents credit for this art sequence, students must pass the foundation course, Design and Drawing for Production:  Syllabus and two additional units of credit selected from the Visual Arts Education flow chart.
  • Three-Unit Sequence in Media Arts.  To receive Regents credit for this art sequence, students must pass a state-approved locally developed foundation course in Media Arts plus two units of credit selected from the Visual Arts Education flow chart.
  • Three-Unit Sequence in Creative Crafts. To receive Regents credit for this art sequence, students must pass a state-approved locally developed foundation course in Creative Crafts plus two units of credit selected from the Visual Arts Education flow chart.
  • Five-Unit Visual Arts Education Sequence.  To receive Regents credit for a five-unit visual arts sequence, students must pass one of the five foundation courses and earn at least four additional units of credit in advanced courses selected from the Visual Arts Education flow chart.